
Saturday, June 19, 2021

Will we now start talking electric hypermiling rather than hyper-accelerating Teslas? Renault Zoe has gone 475 miles on one charge

A Renault Zoe has driven a Very Long Way* Brit team breaks hypermiling record

A Renault Zoe has gone 475 miles on one charge. Be still our pulsing, petrol-filled veins. 475.4 miles to be exact which, if you drive a diesel, is about the purpose the needle starts to shift off the complete mark. But EVs are different aren’t they? And 475 miles, once you only claim a 245-mile range for the 52kWh battery in your electric supermini, is extremely impressive.

The record beats the previous best for a Zoe of 351.3 miles, assail the Paris bypass in 2018. This attempt happened at Thruxton (the UK’s fastest race track, where the unofficial lap record of 57.6secs was set by Damon Hill during a demo run during a Williams FW15C at a 147mph average). The car was completely standard and unmodified, aside from using new EV-specific Enso tyres. A second car fitted with OE rubber travelled 424.8 miles. The tyres were run at recommended pressures and no drafting was allowed.

Although the record is merely specific to the Zoe, it’s likely to be the foremost important improvement over claimed range recorded (an uplift of 94 per cent) and possibly the most efficient figure achieved during a production electric . The Enso-tyred car recorded 9.14 miles per kWh. In testing on a hotter day it actually did better, achieving 10.6mpkWh.

The record happened over two days, the cars driven in relay by a team of ex-forces drivers from Mission Motorsport. They weren’t exactly clinging on for dear life – the cars averaged around 20mph during each two hour stint, peaking at 23mph on the downhills, reducing to 17mph on Thruxton’s gentle inclines. Each lap took around seven minutes. No need for Damon Hill to rush back just yet then.

Is this the beginning of a replacement direction for EV records? Will we now start talking electric hypermiling rather than hyper-accelerating Teslas? How long until an electrical car can travel 1,000 miles on a charge? 

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